It can make sense. We've eliminated everything from your foot to the clutch arm as being at fault. What's left? well everything out of sight... the pressure plate and or the clutch disc. If the disc is damaged or de-laminating it could be rubbing the pressure plate or the flywheel. I've had one of t...
$47.99 you get what you pay for. Keep that in mind. 24,000 lumens is 18 amps of current through a 10 amp fuse????? (assuming the highest efficiency of 110 lumens per watt (it ranges down to 75) that's 218 watts or 18 amps at 12v) So this must be for 2? bulbs? well that's 9 amps each and as the headl...
Check the carpet up under the dash for wetness. Is the slave push rod adjusted? Has the lock nut loosened? The slave push rod should be capable of moving 1.18" when clutch pedal is depressed. Check this when cold in the morning when you usually have this problem. If moving 1.1" then not th...
All headlights that are LED or HID are in projector style rather than reflector housings with a severe cut off called a shutter to protect oncoming traffic. H4 bulbs only rely on a small shield to shade the light. In all cases the 4 or 5 times brighter light leaks around this and is still too bright...
I choose to live here and am aware of the environment as are those in California, or they should. Hot, dry, wind and fires are the norm there and always have been. Hard to live in any environment and not add to the problem.
Do they still flush toilets onto the tracks? In '75 I traveled from Revelstoke to Ontario. When flushed the bottom of the toilet opened and you could see the ties flying by. The sign said 'do not flush in station'. No shit!
Points dizzys get play because of the stiff spring. Matchbox shafts just spin, there's no side load. A good ground is absolutely essential. The module has to be tightly screwed to the distributor case and the distributor firmly bolted down to ground it. Later EI distributors have a dedicated ground ...
Was there several times in the '90s on a survey crew to work on a future marina? and sometime in the '00s my daughter took me whale watching in kayaks. No whales. It's a quaint little place. Also drove up from Woss on logging roads past Bonanza lake to the Cove. Sad, but I'll remember it the way it ...