620 KC project

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Re: 620 KC project

Post by DADZSUN »

Looking good - really starting to come together. Any more pics of the sunroof?

ETA for hitting the road? This fall or early Spring?
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Re: 620 KC project

Post by Edm620 »

Getting it on the road this year has just hit a big delay as we've bought a new house so I'll be packing up the shop and getting things moved before I can re-establish progress. That said, I hope to have all the electrical completed before I pack everything up.

Not sure what I posted before on the sunroof, but here's the last pics I took of it.
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Once I have it fully set up, it is programmable to 2 different opening positions - other than full open or closed!
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Re: 620 KC project

Post by Edm620 »

I've been busy with many things other than posting the build on this site, and recently have moved to a different house that badly needed a garage make-over to become useful.
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While relocating the project into it's new workspace (through a series of events) I managed to rupture my bicep and go for surgery tomorrow morning. Needless to say I'll be delayed in getting more work done for a while.

Many details involved in doing this Resto-Mod - with so much custom work involved, it seems like every change results in 2 more modifications. Overall though it is coming together and the end result will be very unique. Like a treasure hunt, trying to figure out all the little differences, some obvious while others will be harder to figure out.
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Re: 620 KC project

Post by DADZSUN »

Man, moving houses followed my surgery is not easy on its own, let alone plugging through a major build.

All I can say is keep at it. Set reasonable expectations and enjoy when you do get out. That's probably one thing I'm better at over the past year, just not going in the garage if I don't feel like it. A day or two off as a mental break really helps me get stoked to resume.
'72 Datsun 510 - MS KA24e, Watanabe, STI R180 & CV axles, R&P assisted steering
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Re: 620 KC project

Post by Edm620 »

Holy Cow Batman, it's been a year since I updated on here - far more regular postings on Ratsun.
Arm surgery was followed quickly by (another) hip surgery and I attest that everything went well including recovery. Since that last posting, I have honestly not managed to get much more done on the project as work became very busy (a good thing) plus was still dealing with relocation followup. Downsizing has its own issues.

As the months passed, I became more frustrated at the failings of the "new" garage and eventually decided enough was enough. There wasn't truly an option of putting a band-aid on the problems as those began right with the cracked & broken & shifting pad. After much discussion with my wife and lots of pre-planning, I selected a contractor and had the garage completely demolished. As much as I'd have liked to go even bigger, I chose to stay within county limits and maxxed out as much as possible. Everything had to go back into storage not long after having gotten to the point where everything had its place.

At present, the truly all-new garage is nearly at turn-key stage. All the pre-planning really helped keep the construction progressing as no delays due to change orders were required. I'm pretty pleased at the progress and with this contractor, garages is his business and he understood what my intent was. I'm expecting to get moved back into the new garage/shop by month's end - hopeful that is before snow flies!
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Re: 620 KC project


Wow that is a lot to go through. I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck with the build!
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Re: 620 KC project

Post by Edm620 »

And more time has passed by... Garage is complete and filled with non-project things at present, project is still sitting in storage ATM. Just finished building (modified of course) first of 2 sheds to get the lawn care & camping stuff out of the new garage to clear space for the project.
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I expect to be back on task soon, even cut down on my work hours to change my focus...
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