What did you do on your 510 today?

General Discussion about the Datsun PL510
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »


As usual, Andy was right onto my carb top when I went to the shop! He could feel the "wiggle" of the brass fitting.
With his fine eye he could see there was enough meat to tap for a 1/8" NPT hose fitting. The depth was a bit of an issue but there was enough to get a good amount of threads into the carb top, then some red Lock-tite.

Yesterday I went to the garage, cripes was it cold in there, the tools were so cold. Anyhow, rebuilt everything and left the new BPR7ES plugs in.

With the new fitting and small section of hose on, I hit the fuel pump on and WATCHED to make sure no leaks....nothing.

Then I re-installed the airbox and all related hoses. Hitting the key the engine fired right away, even as cold as it was, it was smooth. I let the engine run to temp...and then...let it come to idle...NO WAY Jose! It would NOT idle.

So what this says is that the leak was enough to fool the idle circuit, which we had messed with, by leaning it out. So now, it is way TOO lean and will likely have to go BACK to my original settings. I'm pretty sure I put a leaner idle progression jet in too, will be checking log book on that. I was pretty frustrated at that point so I left, hoping I do get a dry day where I can get it to Andy and we can adjust the idle.

As I said in my last post, let the re-tuning begin, but at least the issue has been solved with the fuel leak. In looking back, that was a random problem that cropped over time, explaining why my A/F was so randomly changing at times.

The positive on this whole journey is that it happened sitting in the garage...not in the Lillooet A & W parking lot on a 35C day!!!!!

ALSO...JIM, big THANKS for all that turbo stuff you sent me, at least a decade ago!!!!! Having that new core and the new 1.1 housing made the new motor build so simple. As much as I liked my explosive throttle response with the .98, I do like this feeling of more torque and it charges really hard on full throttle. It breaths better is what I'm saying.

My 1960's technology works just fine!!!!
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by 2DoorJim »

Good to hear you're getting the bugs ironed out on the rebuild Keith. Your car sounds like an animal when on boost, what's not to like.

I've long forgotten what combo of turbo bits went your way, but nice to hear they were useful. Got to be 15 years ago I cleaned out my garage and dispersed of random bits. I suspect you are one of the few people who continue with the early Schwitzer/triple K, not that there's anything wrong with them. Though slight different size turbine and compressor, 930s all came with the same platform center section, I have one here which will be in motion in the next 12-24 months.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

I always thought that the big bearing in these turbos was not a bad thing.

With the type of racing and canyon carving I have done, major heat soak, quick shut downs, blah, blah, I never had a turbo problem.

My last 3LD went 21 years on that motor, not even needing a seal change.

You had sent me some hardware fittings, that new 3LD core with a 229 housing ( which I use) and a brand new 1.1 turbine housing, so just needed a re-clocking and all was bolt on.

What was amazing is that my exhaust manifold survived this last 21 years. The last one suffered my 30 years of racing with some crazy fuels, octane additives, very corrosive things. It looked like a rotting log de-laminating when it came off the motor. This manifold, which was the LAST of the factory truck manifolds, has only seen Aviation fuel, 100/130 and now 100LL. I was so happy as I could only imagine what a custom manifold from Andy would have cost.

Some of the stuff I made up used aniline oil, terrible cancerous, who knew at the time.

That first manifold got me one year at Knox, I could not get boost..ARG. I finally took the wastegate off in the pits and found a piece of cast iron had come off and lodged in the wastegate...so lucky it did NOT go through the turbine, don't think it would have made it, as it was a big piece.

I did burn out one DELTAGATE wastegate over that 21 years and have the newer model on there now.

Thanks again Jim!
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

Keith Law
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by 510rob »

Remember that the 3LD uses that long single-piece sleeve bearing, rather than the sleeve bearings at each end of the shaft like all the newer stuff that seems to wear out more quickly. More drag, more reliable, less bleeding edge, works fine...
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

I wish Dick Garrett was still alive to see what my car became. He spent a lot of time with me
explaining compressor maps, etc..

When he retired I could see he was a bit of a lost soul, being the true car guy he was. He would pop into Specialty on Blackie Street, just to be around us as we worked on the cars and see how Andy was doing with the Turbo 1200 and then of course the "Killer Colt"

I still have a map that he did with me, over at his place in West Vancouver. Based on shift points, as close to a reality guess at air flow, he plotted the shift points at "x" revs...showing where is was in the efficiency area, very cool for me, I'm not a math guy at all. I was way out of the efficiency zone. At the same time, as I had "opened" up the motor, compressor surge was HUGE. This sent me on the search for a compressor bypass valve.

This of course took me from the original 168 housing, to 198 and then of course to my existing 229. Massive temperature drop. When Knox came along and I did not need the insane throttle response to keep up with Dave Christie, Sam O'Young and a few others at Solo, the switch to the bigger exhaust turbine was next.

Thanks to Dick for the ride in his turbo 510 some 50+ years ago, here I am today.
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

As I was starting to..blackout...halfway through my Wide open throttle pull in 3rd gear...I thought I better get a G-Suit!!!

I called my brother Rimsky at Lake Bullshitski in Siberia and he has sent me one of his old Soviet era MIG pilot suits.
( only a few of you will know my brother :lol: )

I took the 510 out on Friday, such a nice day, cool, but nice. I left the oil cooler duct taped up.

WOW...it seems that that fuel leak was F'ing me up for a lot longer than I realized, due to it's randomness. Couple that with a motor getting tired....after 21 years.

I had a clear spot on #99 so gave it full on boost...JEEEZUUUZZ...hard to describe how hard it pulled. It was a tad on the lean side so I did not keep beating on it.

At Specialty I decreased the air corrector jet on the primary and went up a small increase on the secondary fuel jet. I buttoned things up and took off back to my garage. I had a couple of spots with no civilians around and got on it, rowing it through the box. Still maybe a tad lean on part throttle primary at 5,000 RPM, so will decrease air jet a bit more. WOT throttle looks ok, BUT..I'm now going to wait for the warmer weather to actually do the final jetting. Also too hard to watch the road and look at the A/F for but a glance as RPM built past 168KMH. Pulled so hard.

For the few of you that may read this, that jetted a motor before widebands came along, you can imagine how incredible it is now to see instantly the A/F. I think back to my trial and error ( and luck for the most part NOT blowing a motor up) I was pretty lucky...plug reading was an art then. I did to be fair ONCE melt a motor down( my 1800) when I did a 100 MPH cruise from Richmond to White Rock, basically took the tension right out of the rings..too hot...too lean.

As I think back through what little driving I did this past summer, the F'n fuel leak was getting me in so many subtle ways. Hard starting, A/F randomly reading rich all of a sudden and idle issues. I have to admit I was pretty frustrated at times NOT knowing what was going on or seeing what that damn fitting was doing. The fact that Aviation fuel evaporates so FAST, especially when I would take the air box off on a hot/warm motor, the leak never presented it self. The first time of raw fuel was when the motor was cold, and we thought a clamp was maybe not tightened. This second time, the motor was so cold just raw fuel was sitting there...BECAUSE...I put that new fuel pressure diaghram in...and ran the fuel pump a few times to set the 3.5 pressure!! That action filled the air box with raw fuel and the temp was so cold, it did not evaporate. So I go and try to start the car a week ago and it was insanely rich.

AHHH, the joys of a 50 year old car. Here is a picture of my G-Suit Rimsky sent me. For those that know of Rimsky, he has survived the brake tests, the ole' LADA is getting pretty beat up now, having been fished up from the bottom of Lake Bullshitski 3 times now.....Also an old photo from a time long ago.....
Rimsky's Lada.jpg
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"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

Keith Law
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by 510rob »

Didn't Rimsky get lost somewhere near Ryzhiy Les, Pripyat collecting positrons for vorgon reactor anti-fuel?
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

So good you remembered!

I can tell the actual story now.

Rimsky was sent on a secret Mission to take actual pictures of the many sites...that were used in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and then S.T.A.L.K.E.R.. The main characters first person view of Lt. John Price in Modern, was the actual footage Rimsky shot. He crawled around for weeks in a Ghillie suit! He is now undergoing treatment for radiation exposure.....they think he will make it.

The Anti-Fuel was a smoke screen.....
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

Two older guys change a jet....

So, yesterday, I decide to really organize my air and fuel jets. Last Friday of course, when I was at Specialty, I pulled that Primary air jet out. Now, even with my reader glasses on, it was hard to read the jet number...I thought it was stamped 160. Collin was there so I asked him to concur...YES he said..160. I then put in a #155, in theory that would richen it in the upper RPM range on the primary. Yesterday, as I grabbed the air jet I had taken out and wanted to put it in a baggy, I looked at it with my magnifier..LOW and BEHOLD...it was actually a #150!! In fact then I had LEANED it out..no wonder it was heading into the high 14's at 5,000 RPM. In the spring I will then put a #140 in it!!!!1
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

Keith Law
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by bertvorgon »

Morning World!

Wish I had some sort of exciting news to tell....but..in the beginning of December, not much. I started the car yesterday, it lit off in a blink, very good considering it was 5C ( 40F) in the garage. I ran it to 200 f a couple of times and the off.

I also checked my alternator after my volt meter did not work initially. 14.55 volts output so that was good. I think the ignition switch is getting very worn after 50 years of use.

In the next week or so I will "FOG" the motor with a new product Andy has researched...FOGGIT High Performance Fogging oil. I plan to warm the motor up, then take air box off. With the help of my son, plugs out, open the throttles and spray the crap out of the intake, then, spray cylinders down really well, while cranking the motor for a few seconds, this will make sure the exhaust valve seats hopefully get oiled too. I will then re-install airbox but not hook up intercooler but tape up the intake to the airbox and also the exhaust pipe. As Andy and I have seen over the years,even a car stored in a heated garage can suffer degrees of rust in the cylinders.

The humidity outside my place right now is 96%.

Can't hurt at any rate, keep those nicely honed cylinders in good shape. It's also time to put some heat inside the car and the engine bay. I'm sure we will have below freezing tempts soon.

The site is still functioning at this point, still glitchy though. I did kinda talk to Spencer ( site creator) who has possibly been thinking of shutting it down. I gave my thoughts on the issue. Not sure where we are at at this point. It would be a shame to lose our repository of knowledge, build thread and how to's. I would suggest if anyone has anything, that now is the time to copy it off the site. I have copied a few of my threads and will do some more. Maybe someone can comment if there is a way to archive the site??? No posts or anything, just the ability go read it.

Anyhow, I hope all have a good Holiday Season, no matter how you enjoy it...in these pretty sad days in our World of so much conflict.

Be well all!!!!
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"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan

Keith Law
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by ostaylor »

Hey Keith,

If there is serious consideration of shutting down the site, I'd be happy to have a discussion about the options to keep it going. Not sure what the monthly costs and administrative requirements are, but I am retiring at the end of this year and really value this site, including my own build thread. I'd be willing to consider helping with administration and possibly costs.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by icehouse »

I can use my Ratsun host to keep the site going. I pay for more then enough band width. I'm sure there is a way to keep it as is just host it that way.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by ostaylor »

Hopefully Byron or another admin can weigh in and nothing happens to the site without an opportunity to save all the great information here.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by Pista_510 »

I would also be happy to discuss a contribution, if that's what it takes, to keep the site hosted and available for the foreseeable future.
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Re: What did you do on your 510 today?

Post by 510rob »

bertvorgon wrote:I did kinda talk to Spencer ( site creator) who has possibly been thinking of shutting it down.
I have not heard anything about Spencer shutting down the site.
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