Getting some head.
Made my own spring compressor in about 2 min. from an old C clamp
Got this huge plastic tank from the re-store for $20. Cut the bottom off with angle grinder, half filled with hot water and dissolved a can of Drano in it. Washed the rockers and the head.
After 1/2 hour
Started fizzing pretty good so wasn't about to leave in there over night. Cleaned up pretty good.
Had a spare bolt
Chased all the threaded holes
You'll like this...
I saw what I thought was a blue elastic band in one of the coolant holes. Pulled it out with my dental pick...
Eventually fished out all this...
Previous owner must have been a Chevy owner
Those guys slather more RTV on shit than you can imagine because of poorly fitting parts. So be warned!!! What ever you put on that squashes out on the outside will be also squeezing out on the inside too. This is where it ends up, or on the oil pump screen. Better to install gaskets without it, just like Nissan goes.
Valves were all in good shape.
Ports and chambers are all good with almost no flashing or burrs.. better than the L and WAY better than the Z heads. There were some factory reliefs cut here
...and with nothing better to do I smoother them
There is also a small edge around the outside of the valve seat. I removed and them smoothed it
On the inside of the valve seat there is also an edge before the valve face contact area
I smoothed this down to make a progressive radius just like a velocity stack. If a three angle valve works what wouldn't the corresponding area on the seat not benefit from this also.
Smoothed intake and exhaust ports
Plastic top from my Abba's Greatest Hits CD. Mark cylinder and drill hole near outer edge
Plastic syringe for giving children an oral medicine.
Grease the valves and insert.
Light coat of grease around cylinder top and place plastic on and press down.
Fill counting the amount
Armed with this info I can easily calculate my future compression ratio. The final adjustment will be having the head milled down. Shooting for 8.5
The KA's two intake valves equal a single valve that is 1.9" or 48.25mm across for area. Kind of makes the L series 1.38" intake look small.
The KA exhaust valve is 1.575" to the L's 1.38" or 40mm vs. 35mm
Assuming a 1.5 rocker ratio the valve lift is 0.3975"